
Day 2 - 8/12/08

Ah... Woke up bright and early this morning... Around 6 a.m. That's just cause the damn sun was in my eyes... 

Hold up, what sun?! Oh damn... NZ's sun rises at 6... What the hell... Back in Malaysia, our day isn't bright until 7:15 a.m.

Anyways, we went up Stanford's hill today. Got another spectacular view of the city again. Snapped more shots... Got more rollercoaster-like action downhill...

After savouring the fantastic view, we headed to Makara hill where we met 2 other Lions - Gary and Peter. Along the way up Makara hill, we came across tons of horses, cows and cute, fluffy sheep. I wanted to jump off the car and run up to the sheep and touch them... THEY WERE SO CUTE!!!

Anyways, enough about cute, fluffy sheep... Rex and I helped the 2 Lions dudes with a Lions Service Project. The project was splitting wood for other people so that they can burn it in their little stoves. It was FUN watching huge, big-ass logs turn into firewood. It gave us a sense of undeniable power and a burning confidence that we could turn logs the diameters of car tires int wood no bigger than a pencil box... 

For about 10 minutes... Then, it was repetitive to the point of boredom... There were times when we found a giant worm in between the barks and ate them... Nah, just joking. Other than that... It was really a doing-the-same-damn-thing-over-and-over-again type thing... It could only be describe as the job that you should do if, and only if, you have nothing better to do. 

The only "fun" part of the whole process was watching the wood splitting machine which , basically was an axe going up and down...

We wanted to "look" like good and obedient, well-mannered Malaysians, so we helped out. It was for a good cause, anyway...

During that time, we got to take tons of pictures of NZ's country scenery. 

I also found out something when interacting with other kiwis (New Zealanders) - They love to use the word "Yea" a lot... When I say a lot, I mean holy cow-like A LOT!!!

Their conversations sounded a lot like this :

A: " So yea, I told Billy, yea, I told Billy that we would... "
B: " Yea, Billy from R&D? "
A: " Yea, that Billy, yea. Yea, he said that he would do it, yea. "
B: " Yea , yea, yea, yea... "

And it goes on like that...

And it went on and on like that for the next 10 to 15 minutes. :D  It was really funny and fun, counting the number of times they said that word... Yea...

Damn it... Became a habit for me too...

Surprisingly, we didn't even break a sweat after working so hard for so long! The weather was fantastic. We headed back downhill again... (Argh!! Rollercoaster!!) And ate a fantastic dinner courtesy of Anne.

After dinner, I found out that in NZ, there are a few TV shows that are not shown in Malaysia. My favourite, which i just found out, airs on channel E! is... Drum roll please...

"The Girls Of The Playboy Mansion"!!!

Woohoo!! The god damn name says it all!!! 

Here's the picture to prove it. Hahahaha

But the sad thing is that it airs for only half an hour... Ahh... Damn... But it airs daily (Yay!!!) at 4 p.m. AND at 9 p.m. (Woohoo!!)

Hot girls on TV, NZ IS PERFECT!!

Oh yea, By the way, IT'S NOT CENSORED!!! (So now you guys might get what type of show I'm talking bout here *winks* )

OK, OK... I'm calm... Phew...

Before we slept, Rex and i promised each other that we would go jogging the next day since we were getting fat. (On account of the wonderful food provided by Anne :D)

Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow...