
Have you ever met someone who...

Wears his heart on his sleeve,

Appreciates the smallest things,

Says that a good deed should be passed along,

Cares for the ones he love,

Doesn't think rom-coms are specific to gays and girls only,

Prefers Pink over Green,

Dreams big,

Is completely optimistic,

Tries his best at everything he does,

Enjoys a walk in the rain every once in awhile,

Leaps before he looks,


Reminds others why they should live for the future instead of looking back at the past,

Creates awkward situations just to see how people handle them,

Respect others,

Assumes he can change the world with every good action he makes,

Puts being happy and broke before rich and sad any day of his life,

Laughs at failure because it thought him something,

Calls people awesome because it's the truth,

Does a random act of kindness,

Thinks friends are the most important,

Prevents fights,

Fights for what he believes in,

Sings like no one is around,

Imagines a better world,

Decides to have morals in life,

Can drink and don't drive,

Believes in Good triumphing over Evil,

Acts randomly just to make people smile,

Splurges on friends and saves money on himself,

Feels that in every person there is some good,

Stands up for what he thinks is right,

Considers a smile to be the most powerful thing in the universe. 

P.s. Toy Story 3 - Most. Awesome. Movie. Ever.